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Applying Coupon Codes to Subscription OrdersUpdated 7 months ago

Q: Can I apply coupon codes to my subscription orders?

A: Yes, we are always happy to apply coupon codes to subscription orders as long as they are eligible!

Q: What if my subscription charge date does not fall on the exact date of your sale?

A: Even if your charge date is before or after our sale, we are happy to provide a refund on your order if you write in and ask within a reasonable period.

Q: How can I add coupon codes to my upcoming subscription?

A: You can add coupon codes to your upcoming subscription through your Insider account. *Please note that only coupons eligible for subscriptions will work. Sitewide sales and some other coupons may not apply to subscription orders.

Q: What if the coupon code doesn't work?

A: If you encounter any issues or if the coupon code doesn't work, please reach out to our customer service team for assistance.

Q: Can I provide feedback on the Collective Insiders Program?

A: Yes, we always welcome any feedback you'd like to share with us about our Collective Insiders Program. Thank you for being an amazingly loyal customer!

If you have any further questions or need assistance, please let us know. We're here to help!

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