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How to add a one-time purchase item to your upcoming subscription orderUpdated 8 months ago

Insiders have the ability to add an item to their upcoming subscription order without needing to subscribe to it. This will save on shipping costs as both your subscription and one-time purchase items will now ship together! 


  1. Q: How do I add an item to my subscriptions?
  2. A: If you need to add an item to your subscription, follow these steps:
  3. Log into Your Account: Visit and click on "Login" in the top-right corner. Use your account credentials to sign in.
  4. Go to "SUBSCRIPTIONS": Once logged in, find the "SUBSCRIPTIONS" option in your account dashboard on the top right. This is where you can view all your active subscriptions.
  5. Edit Products:
    1. To change or add items to your subscription, find the subscription you'd like to adjust, then make your changes by following the directions in the options below. 
    2. Find the EDIT PRODUCTS button at the bottom of the subscription. 
    3. This will pull up a sidebar that shows all products in that subscription. From here you can click the three dots to SWAP or REMOVE a product from the subscription. 
    4. If you want to ADD an item, scroll down. 
    5. You will see the ADD PRODUCTS TO YOUR SUBSCRIPTION button and below that you will see "Add to your next order"
      1. You will use the add to your next order option if you want to purchase an item as a one-time-only purchase, not a subscription. Simply select any item and add it, then confirm. 
      2. If you don't see the item you would like to add immediately, you can also search by following the steps below. 
    6. Click the ADD PRODUCTS TO YOUR SUBSCRIPTION button. From here, you can either scroll down through the list or you can enter the title of a product or the type, such as, "oil". When you find the item that you would like, click the image. 
    7. Make sure to leave it selected on "One time" as that will create a one-time order only, not a subscription. If it "Subscribe & Save" is selected, it will become a subscription. 
      1. Click ADD PRODUCT
        1. *If you do not see that button, make sure to put your window into full-screen
      2. Confirm by seeing the green notification that says it was added.
      3. A second confirmation can be done by viewing it on your subscription. 
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